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Date of publication: 24.04.2019

Analysis of statistics and website conversion

Analysis of statistics and website conversion
How to track and analyse the website conversion?

The first thing you have to do if for some reason you haven’t already done this is to connect Google Analytics and Yandex Metrica to your website. This are the two basic tools for tracking, collecting analytics and conversion from your website.

Let's analyse your website on the basis of Google Analytics

Indicators "Renouncement", "Depth of viewing" and "Time on the website"

Here we can observe the main indicators by which you can monitor the quality of your website.
What do we understand when we are analysing this data?
  1. Renouncement - one of the most important indicators because it gives the answer about how your website responds to the customer requests, how convenient your website is and how quickly it loads. If a person logs in and instantly exits the page, the problem lies on these three moments.
  2. Depth of viewing - the smaller the indicator of depth of viewing is, then the less interest a client is purchasing into your service/product. This does not apply to landing pages.
  3. Time on the website - the higher it gets, the better it is.
These three indicators directly affect the position of a website in search results.

Traffic Source Indicator

We can analyse where the visitors are coming from. In the advanced reports, you can also conduct more in-depth analytics and understand which traffic brings you a bigger conversionю. We also take measures to increase the necessary sales channels.

What needs to be done to track the conversion on the site?

First of all, you need to identify the main goals of your website.
Examples of the conversion goals:
  • Submitted application for consultation
  • Cost calculation
  • Submitted applications for information
  • Placed an order in the online store
Also, in Google Analytics you can configure composite targets. For example, when the user has visited a specific page, put the product in the basket, placed an order. Such goals may, for example, give an understanding of the percentage of failure when placing an order in the online store.
After creating goals and connecting the necessary tags on the website, you will begin to receive all the necessary statistics.

As a result, using these analytical tools, we can get absolutely transparent statistics of your website, track down the problems, eliminate them and thereby improve the conversion, which leads to a significant increase in sales.

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